Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I Wonder Where _____ Has Been?

Just a quick post...

I find myself throughout the week always wondering where "so and so" is? I remember when I first received Christ and then baptized and joined my first church. As I think back, I don't believe anybody ever told me that I was to be faithful to a church.

I figured that if God saved me and there was this group of people called the church, where we gathered, worshiped, prayed, served, and learned more about the Lord and one another that it was where I was supposed to be. My wife and I never had the conversation whether or not we were going to go to church, we just went. It was the same after we had our children and I don't ever remember any of our children asking, "Are we going to church...?"

We even planned our lives around what was going on at the church. If there was a special service or activity, we always adjusted our schedule and unless providential hindered we were there. Yes, there were times that we really didn't particularly want to go. But we went anyway as we understood that someone had planned, prayed, and spent a lot of time putting together a special gathering or ministry opportunity.

It really comes down to the Great Commandment, doesn't it? If we love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we would love what God loves. Surely, he loves his church. He demonstrated that when he died for his bride - The Chruch. If we love God, we would love others and even prefer them over ourselves. God gave of himself so it's only the right thing to do the same and die to self and live and prefer others.

So where are you? I know this, your pastor and church family would be thrilled to see you sometime this week.

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