Thursday, February 24, 2011

What is a True Christian?

I have been thinking a lot lately about the word Christian.  What is a Christian?  Good question – right?  It seems to be a question that should be easily answered by anyone who has “been one” for very long.  Now I know that there are many different facets to this question of what a Christian is.  However, one of those many facets that seem to be absent, at least in my mind, is the acknowledgment of the word of God and the willingness to subject or submit themselves to it. 

J.I. Packer in this regard states that “true Christians are people who acknowledge and live under the word of God.  They submit without reserve to the word of God written in ‘the Book of Truth’ (Dan 10:21), believing the teaching, trusting the promises, and following the commands.”

I recently went to visit my son in college and on Sunday we all went to church, of course with the intent to worship our God and Savior.  The church property was beautiful and the auditorium was incredible and could seat at least 3,000 people if not more.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against big churches and beautiful buildings and to be honest I was probably drooling a little bit and in somewhat in the state of awe.  Everything in the service from start to finish was polished and good.  The music, the announcements, the preaching – everything was all good.  However, those thoughts that I had been thinking were still in the back of my mind in a nagging sort of way.  I began to think, how many of these 2,000 plus people here in this early service where there as “Christians” that were intentionally putting themselves under the authority of the word of God?  On the other hand, I wondered how many were there and ready to give their critique of the music, or the announcements, or even how well the message was going to be delivered that morning? 

I continued to contemplate how many will leave the service talking about the message of God’s word from John chapter 11?  How many there that day will allow their life to be changed because of the word of God and it’s authority on their life?  How many of them because of the word of God preached that morning will change their business habits, parenting or perhaps think of someone that they could share the wonderful message that they heard from John chapter 11? 

I think most of us know the answer to that question.  However, I wonder what would happen if instead of us coming into church to evaluate how well the building and grounds are maintained.  Or whether or not they sang the songs I like the way I like them.  Or how well the preacher was and if he followed the program and stopped on time.  I just have to wonder what would happen if we actually came through the doors of the church this week with the prayer and attitude that we are going to be a true Christians and acknowledge and live under the word of God.  I wonder what would happen if we actually came to church and expecting God to do a work and to allow the word of God to evaluate us.  I thought to myself, things would be radically different then. 

You see that’s exactly what I caught myself doing last week - critiquing and evaluating the church and I believe it’s the default mode of most of us “Christians” that live in an entertainment all about me based culture. But God and His wonderful, yet convicting way gave me an illustration that brought these thoughts to my own present circumstances.  I was there in church evaluating everything that was going on and totally indifferent to God’s presence and Him standing at my hearts door knocking and desiring to do a work in my own life. 

What snapped me back to reality and the presence of God was a young couple who sat in the row ahead of us and to my right.  Specifically, I noticed that the young lady was already moved by the Spirit of God.  This was visibly evident by her swollen eyes and the tears that trickled down her face.  I immediately repented and begged God for forgiveness and prayed for God’s Spirit to continue to work in this young ladies life and that my indifference to the Spirit of God would not be a hindrance to His divine work.  I then prayed for Him to minister to me and that I needed to submit myself to the word of God in my own life. 

I want to be a true Christian.  My desire is to be a person who acknowledges and lives under the word of God.  I want to be a true Christian that will submit without reserve to ‘the Book of Truth’ believing it, trusting in its promises and following its commands.  God help me. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Difficult Subjects

I have decided to teach some lessons this year called “Primers”.  These lessons are designed to introduce people to some of the more difficult subject areas in Christianity.  Probably one of the reasons that they are seldom taught in the church.  The major topics will include Theology, Church History, The Bible, and Apologetics. 

Well, we had our first class and it was on the Trinity – what a heady subject to start with and to teach in only an hour.  I told the class at the beginning that they were going to find themselves being a “heretic” because of the way they most likely viewed and explained the doctrine of the Trinity.  I defined a heretic as person that claims to be Christian, but deny some essential aspect that has always defined Christianity both biblically and historically for the last 2000 plus years. 

It’s been said, “God writes straight with crooked lines,” meaning God has allowed heresy to arise to help Christians clarify what they believe.[1]  That is something that we don’t know for sure, but it often helps to go back in history and look at differing views (heresies) of the Trinity to help clarify the biblical and historical view.  The Bible also says that as believers we should put our ego’s and pride aside and be willing to be corrected.  “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Tim 3:16).  Part of discipleship, not only involves growth, but correction and we all need to allow Scripture and others to correct us on our journey. 

Well the class ended and I fell that it was a success – not that everyone there had a clear understanding of the Trinity, but by their actual looks of confusion.  They left that night wrestling in their minds and hearts who God really is as revealed in His Word.  Hopefully, they see that God is much “bigger” then the box we often put Him in.  Hopefully, they have a greater awe of God and as they pray and sing praises to His name that they will know Him just a little better than they did before.

“But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me…” (Jer 9:24).

[1] Christian History Magazine-Issue 51: Heresy in the Early Church (Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, 1996).