I haven't wrote in a long while on this blog. To be honest, I haven't wrote much of anything besides for sermons and teaching. So here as is so often, I find myself sitting here in my office, behind as usual, with all that needs to be done before the Lord's day arrives. I'm reminded by a gentle prodding of the Spirit that I'm to be more overwhelmed by Him than I'm to be with my circumstances. Yet, I cry out, "Lord do you not know all that is going on here at church?" There is so much heartache, cancer, broken families, death, and rebellion.
Between that first paragraph and the one I'm writing now, I had a person come in that is struggling with a lot of things, especially the truth of God's word and the authority it has on our lives. Well it didn't end well and here again I sit numbed by it all and wondering what more I could have done.
The only answer is to press in and rest on God. As we are toiling, troubled and distressed, there is ever a perfect peace. God is the only one who can bring order out of confusion, and my defeats are His victories. We are invited to come as sinners with our cares and sorrows, to leave every concern entirely to Him. Every one of our sins calling for the precious blood; oh may it revive a deep spirituality in our hearts.
Let us, in these hardest of times, live near the good Shepherd, hear His voice, know its tones, and to determine to follow its calls. We are so prone to deception and to follow the culture and the way of this world, may we chose to know and abide in the truth. Let us walk each step in the power of the Spirit. The answer is found in the truth of the gospel, help us not to be ashamed of it, that we would bear its reproach, vindicate it, see Jesus as its essence.
Lord help us as we more often than not find ourself lukewarm and even cold at heart; unbelief scars our confidence, sin makes us soon forget You. May we pull and cut from the root the weeds that grow and thrive from our intending of our souls.
Help us to recognize that we truly live only when we live wholeheartedly to and through You; and that everything else is vanity and but a vapor. It is Your presence alone that can make us holy, devout, strong, happy and satisfied. Abide in us, gracious God. Give me more of You.
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