No Magic Formula
Remember, there is no magic in faith or in names. You can name the name of Jesus a thousand times; but if you will not follow the nature of Jesus the name of Jesus will not mean anything to you. We cannot worship God and live after our own nature. It is when God’s nature and our nature begin to harmonize that the power of the name of God begins to operate within us. As it was said so quaintly of Samson that “the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan” (Judges 13:25), I believe that God’s people ought to be moved at times to true worship. But we cannot pray toward the east and walk toward the west and then hope for harmony in our being. We cannot pray in love and live in hate and still think we are worshiping God.
So how can we worship God acceptably when there is within our nature something that, when it catches on fire, gives off not a fragrance but a smell? How can we hope to worship God acceptably when there is something in our nature which is undisciplined, uncorrected, unpurged, unpurified—which is evil and which will not and cannot worship God acceptably?
So I’ve got to tell you that if you do not worship God seven days a week, you do not worship Him on one day a week. There is no such thing known in heaven as Sunday worship unless it is accompanied by Monday worship and Tuesday worship and so on.
Too many of us discharge our obligations to God Almighty in one day, usually by a trip to church. Sometimes nobly we make it two trips to church. But it’s all on the same day when we’ve nothing else to do—and that is supposed to be worship. And a Mid-week service is fast becoming something a relic of the past. Three times in one week are you crazy? Don't you know I have Karate practice, gymnastics, baseball, soccer, football, and baseball practice? Not to mention, my favorite reality show is on Wednesday night.