I would ask you to watch the short 7 - minute video below by David Wilkerson and then maybe ask yourself some questions. I have put some of my own questions that I have asked following the video.
When was the last time I was in anguish?
When was the last time I cried out to God because of my sin?
When was the last time I prayed ALL night for God's power or for a lost soul.?
When was the last time I gave up your vacation to go on a missions trip or to serve in a ministry?
When was the last time I read God's word and would not put it down until I heard His still small voice?
When was the last time I shared my faith? When was the last time I came to church READY to worship God in spirit and in truth?
When was the last time I gave sacrificially - where it hurt and would require me to give up something?
When am I going to be willing to be broken and spilled out for my savior as he was for me?
When will I quite playing church?
When will I be willing to humble myself and stand in awe before my savior?